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In March 2012,  a group of inter-denominational Christian men began meeting every other Tuesday to learn and sing choral songs of praise and worship to the Almighty under the dynamic leadership of Toronto CSI Church’s Choir Director – Daniel Thomas, alias Danichen.


The nameless group, while still in its infancy had the opportunity to debut ourselves at  the closing ceremony of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Toronto CSI Church, Toronto in 2012; where a local TV journalist named us the ‘Toronto Male Voices’ (TMV) for the obvious reason of giving a title to his program guide. While the name sounded generic, the group decided to adopt it and has kept it since.



We had our first spring concert 'CANTATE DOMINO' in May 2013 featuring arrangements of Latin sacred choral repertoire from the 16th century. In March of the following year, true to our group’s vision, we held our first choir festival ‘CHORALFEST 2014’—featuring the Canadian Mar Thoma and the Toronto CSI Church Choirs. A few months later, in May of 2014 we held our second annual spring concert titled ‘ADOREMUS TE’ at Trinity Anglican Church in Mississauga, performing a collection of traditional choral arrangements in Malayalam, English, and Latin.



TMV believes in the Holy Trinity—the Father who is the creator and sustains all living things, Jesus Christ the redeemer of all who believe, and the Holy Spirit as comforter and guide.  We believe music to be an expression of adoration and worship to proclaim the wondrous and magnificent works of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.



TMV works to be a platform for Christian musicians (singers, song writers, and instrumentalists), particularly from immigrant nations to Canada, irrespective of their style of music or rendition to glorify God and His awesome work through the expression of music.

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